I don't understand. Am I missing something? Last time I checked, Merriman is only 24 years old, only 3 years into his NFL career, has been to 3 pro-bowls, is one of the best defensive players in football, oh yeah and did i mention he is only 24 years old?? What is he thinking? I understand that people can be stubborn and that he is a gamer and just wants to play, but at some point it becomes irresponsible. Most of the time when players 'play through the pain', i respect them more, the way i always respected McNair and Leftwich for playing injured so often. But in Merriman's case? I am losing respect for him because of how irresponsible of a decision this is.

The fact that Chargers management hasnt spoken up, publicly atleast, shocks me. If the cornerstone of my defense was trying to do this, i would tell him that he had no choice but to get the surgery. Not only is Merriman's choice to play irresponsible, its also selfish, because it puts the Chargers' future success at stake. Lets say Merriman's career is ruined- what happens then to the Chargers who were trusting him to be their defensive leader and cornerstone for the years to come? Yes, football contracts arent garunteed and they can cut him, but its not as if Merriman is any ordinary football player, he is a potential hall of famer at this point and losing him will definately hurt the team.
Its pretty clear what i think Merriman should do. Who knows, maybe he will come to his senses or someone will finally talk him out of this terrible decision. However, despite the fact that i dont really like Merriman as an athlete because of his over the top celebrations, steroid use, and he also seems like he has an asshole personality- i never like to see any athlete, let alone a rising star, have their career cut short. It sounds cliche, but if the self nicknamed 'Lights Out' continues with his current decision id have to gamble, although nothing is certain, that his career will be 'Lights Out' very, very soon.
I had to post this video even though its the same. The gun shot is too much, haha.