After Baron Davis' surprising decision to opt out of his final year in his contract, I didn't think much of it, since I figured that Mullin and Co would take care of it. I mean, I knew he wasn't happy that the W's weren't giving him the respect he felt he deserved, plus he wasn't happy after being benched by Nellie, and after playing all 82 games this season and giving the W's their first playoff appearance management continued to have their doubts about giving him a new contract- nevermind, who couldn't have seen this coming?

(For the record, i completely support the Mullin and Co for their decision of not giving Baron a max deal. The guy was one injury away from crippling the W's financially as we sat there waiting for his deal to end in 2015)
But I digress. As you know, immediately after opting out, Baron returned home to the Clippers. Despite the fact I'm hoping Baron leaving becomes a blessing in disguise, I couldn't help myself but feel a little happy when Brand jumped ship and headed East and Baron was left with the Caveman as the best player on his team (the Nuggets hadn't giftwrapped Camby to the Clippers for a 2nd rounder yet). However, I still had a good place for Baron in my heart as i still had that "I'm glad he's happy and found someone willing to give him what he wanted" feeling. However, after seeing this disgusting picture of the former W's fan favorite in a D_dgers uniform, I have now officially become a full-fledged-bitter-former-Baron-fan-turned-Baron-hater.
So, Baron, I am officially trading in my Baron-fancard for a Baron-hater one. I hope you tore an acl throwing trying to throw this pitch.
1 comment:
totally agree.
let's go to staples and throw nachos at him and we'll start the second coming of a brawl at the palace.
you take baron's legs and i take his head.
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